We have been looking at a series of parables that Jesus told
the crowds while they sat by the shore of the Sea of Galilee. All these parables dealt with the subject of
the Kingdom of Heaven but were designed to be understood only by those who
believed in Jesus. And even then, Jesus
had to explain several of them to the disciples. Last time we looked at three parables that
explained the coming of the Kingdom of heaven and how it would start small and
grow large, how it was not designed to destroy unbelievers immediately lest it
harm believers in the process, and how the gospel of the kingdom would spread
all over the world. The coming of the
kingdom will be slow, thorough, and patient but surprisingly not everyone will
want to be a part of it.
This time we will look at four more parables that answer the
question, “Why is God sowing seed while we wait for the kingdom?” In the parable of the ‘wheat and the weeds’
and the parable of the ‘four soils,’ we saw that this represents the Word of
God in one parable and the Sons of the Kingdom in another. In other words, God uses both people and His
Word to reach more people. But why
doesn’t He just set up the kingdom right now and let those who believe enter
immediately? There are several reasons.
Let’s look first at the parable of the hidden treasure in verse 44. We see here that the kingdom is compared to a
‘Hidden Treasure’ that a man found in a field.
The man covered it back up so no one else would claim it or steal it and
then sets about to legally obtain possession of the field (and all that is in
it). He is thrilled to sell everything
he owns just to get that field that contains the treasure. He pays the price for the entire field even
though it is the hidden treasure that he is focused on. Just so, the Messiah would give up His home
in heaven, and give His body as a sacrifice offering salvation to the whole
world even though he knew that not everyone would believe. (1 Jn 2:2 and many others).
The second parable in verse
45 called ’the Pearl of Great Price’ is similar. A jewel merchant is looking for fine pearls
to buy when he finds one special pearl of enormous value. He wants it so much that He sells everything
to buy it. Once again, notice that something
valuable is so dear that everything is sacrificed to obtain it. Jesus gave His life for us.
Now in verses 47-50
what is sought here? Good fish are
sought and so the seas are scoured looking for good fish. In the process, the net brings up ‘Good and Bad
Fish’ which are sorted through throwing away the bad fish and keeping the
good. Here, Jesus gives some
explanation. The angels do the sorting
at the end of the age where the righteous are what is sought while the evil are
thrown into a fiery furnace like in the parable of the ‘Wheat and the Weeds’
where the weeds are also gathered at the end of the age by the angels and
thrown into a fiery furnace. In both
cases the bad fish and the weeds represent evil persons who are consigned to
the furnace where they experience weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Finally, in verses 51
and 52 the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a house who shows off
among his ‘treasures things that are new as well as things that are old.’ Jesus compares this master to a scribe (an
expert in teaching the Bible) who has been trained for the kingdom of
heaven. He studies the Word of God which
is filled with valuable things both ancient and recent. In this case, we see the great value of the
Word of God whether we are reading the Old or New Testament because in them we
discover the way to the kingdom of heaven.
As Paul later puts it, “All Scripture is profitable for instruction . .
So, in these parables, the King looks for citizens to people
His kingdom—such people are of huge worth to Him. He gives up the life of His Son for
them. Even though His life is payment
for the whole world, only some will actually believe and follow Him—yet they
are still exceedingly valuable to Him.
In His search, He looks at all men and like the weeds and the bad fish,
those who reject Him are punished, but those who believe enter the kingdom. Of great value in this enterprise is the Word
of God as it goes out proclaiming the good news whether it is from the Law, the
Prophets, or the Apostles, because like the good seed it will eventually bring
forth a valuable harvest.
© 2018 Eric Thimell
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