About Us

 Eric and Janet Thimell

We have been serving with Cadence International -- a ministry to military communities around the world - for 31 years as of June 2014.   We previously served in the Canal Zone, Panama; Osan AFB, Korea; Mannheim, Germany; St. Leon, Germany; Rodenbach, Germany; and Englewood, Colorado. We are now serving the Air Force community at Mountain Home, Idaho.  We have completed 40 years of marriage and we have two grown children.
Eric is a graduate of both John Brown University and Dallas Theological Seminary.  Janet is a graduate of Dallas Bible College.  We have both served in the US Navy.  Eric is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and was previously an associate professor of systematic theology and Bible at Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary in Denver and was once an engineer at Martin-Marietta Aerospace.  Janet has been a corporate chaplain and area team leader for Marketplace Ministries.

With Ed & Suzie Buri

Ed and Suzie Buri are gifted veteran Cadence missionaries who began the work at Mountain Home called En Gedi Hospitality House from “scratch” in 2007.  They previously served at Kirch Göns, Germany; Ft. Lewis, Washington; and Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri.  They have been married 32 years and have two grown children and three grandchildren. 

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