About Military Community Ministry at Mountain Home

Main Gate at Mountain Home AFB
Liberty Chapel at Mountain Home AFB
Christian Ministries at Mountain Home AFB connected with the En Gedi Hospitality House
The ministry here at Mountain Home is almost entirely focused on the military community although Eric and Ed meet weekly with local Christian businessmen for mutual encouragement and fellowship.  Currently the base has four evangelical Protestant chaplains.  Ed and Suzie have access to the base through Ed’s membership in the Air National Guard while Eric and Janet have been given semi-annual passes giving them access to the base chapel facilities.  We are all integrated into the base chapel community which operates in a modular fashion based on interest groups much as civilian churches do.  There is a Sunday morning worship congregation called the Traditional congregation which presently follows a liturgical pattern of worship with a distinctly evangelical flavor.  There is a women’s ministry known as PWOC (Protestant Women off the Chapel), and a student ministry for Junior and Senior High called PYOC (Protestant Youth of the Chapel.  There is also an AWANA program and a children’s Sunday school program.  Finally, En Gedi Hospitality House is an adjunct off-base ministry.
The chaplains have a small staff of assistants (both civilian and enlisted) that handle the military's required administrative work but, by design, very little of the actual ministry.  This is done almost entirely by the chaplains and many volunteers.  We attend the chapel worship services where we are afforded the opportunity to meet, fellowship with, and invite many individuals to more in-depth activities.  These services are heavy on before and after fellowship with an emphasis on food and conversation.  We frequently provide potluck dishes for these. 
Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) has a Thursday morning study that Janet and others are responsible for leading.  Janet also leads a Bible study class on Thursday.  She is also on the board as the programs coordinator.  Eric has been volunteering to help watch the kids during this time. PWOC extends its various ministries through outreach and retreats.
AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) serves about 60 military kids every Sunday afternoon.  A volunteer couple leads this program.  A number of airmen enjoy volunteering to hear the children say their memory verses and to ride herd on the games.
PYOC (Protestant Youth of the Chapel) also meets on Sunday afternoon and is led by several experienced volunteer couples.

En Gedi Hospitality House is the off-base ministry that meets regularly at the home of Ed and Suzie Buri.  Their home church sent in a team of builders who added on a large meeting room in place of what used to be the back yard swimming pool!  They host a Friday Night supper and Bible Study led by Eric.  Janet and Suzie handle most of the meal preparation.  En Gedi also sponsors frequent outings and special seasonal events. 

Ed and I co-host a Men's Bible study and accountability group on Wednesday nights at the Thimell House.  We are currently studying the Attributes of God and will be soon starting the very successful and highly acclaimed The Quest for Authentic Manhood series with Dr. Robert Lewis.

Janet also hosts a women's crafting group called Knit-wits where they talk about life while they ply their creative skills.

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