Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Going home!

On Saturday, September 1st, we officially leave home to go home. This world is a strange place. Peter says we are aliens and strangers. The old hymn says, "This world is not my home, I'm just a-passin' through." So to ever fully GET settled, well, I think that is just out of the question. But I also see that God graciously allows us to settle for a bit. And we are at the end of this process of unsettling in one foreign world to get settled in another, while we wait for the ultimate Home. Colorado will soon be in the rearview mirror as we set our sites and the GPS for Mountain Home, Idaho.

Eric is already there with one load of stuff. He hooked up the washer and dryer in our new home last night. What more do I need? Today and tomorrow he completes a few tasks there, flies back into Denver on Thursday night and on Saturday morning, we load up again and head out.

The goodbyes here aren't really goodbyes. They feel so temporary. For one thing, Mountain Home is only 800 miles from Denver and it is on a well-traveled "on our way to somewhere else" highway. We anticipate and hope for LOTS OF VISITING FRIENDS. We have such dear, precious, loving, kind, wonderful friends here. How they will be missed in the dailyness of our new home. But as I have said many times, "All this and heaven, too!"

Please do pray for us. We are trusting God for everything behind and for everything ahead. We thank God for the precious team already waiting there in Mountain Home and the dear ones already coming alongside to make us part of the family there.

The invitation stands! Come be in our HOME in MOUNTAIN HOME as we celebrate Him who calls us to one day be in our Eternal Home.

We love you.  Janet and Eric


Eunice said...

You will be only about 8 1/2 hours from us now! :)

Noreen said...

And you are about 4 1/2 hours from me! Welcome to the neighborhood! Looking forward to get to visit with you in person! *hugs* to you both!