Saturday, July 28, 2012

We are home. Sort of. We are back in Aurora, Colorado. Driving into our neighborhood, after one week in Idaho, felt odd. Like we weren't "home" anymore. Like we had left "home" and come back to our past.
We enjoyed a very full week. We putzed around the En Gedi Hospitality House, painting, scraping, learning to be cat people (a little bit), cooking, fellowshiping, meeting new people, loving the ministry. Oh yes, and we found a home! We put a contract on a new (to us) home and since it is a short sale, it could take awhile. Which may be good because we still need a buyer for our Aurora home! Would you please pray for that?
That sense of not being "home" is more than just Mountain Home, Idaho versus Aurora, Colorado. It is the restlessness that longs for the day when we are fully home. Forever home. As we wait for the sale of the Colorado home, as we wait to finally move to our new place of ministry, as we WAIT, I realize that God is being very present to us in ways that we have not yet learned about Him. I know that He will make it all a very sweet journey as we lean on Him, on His perfect plan and timing.

Will you please join us in this sweet journey? We are figuring out what to do with our time as we wait. Raising new support will be one of the most critical things to do. That will mean some traveling, most likely. We would love to come to where YOU are and share the ministry of Cadence, of the En Gedi Hospitality House, and all about the needs of our precious military. Let us know if we can share in your church, in your home or small group. That would be a privilege.

See you next time! We love you!  Janet and Eric on THE WAY HOME

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hey! We are HOME! In Mountain Home, actually. We are here for one week, taking care of the En Gedi Hospitality for Ed and Suzie. Looking for a home to buy. Doing a few maintenance jobs around here while we are hanging out in OUR NEW TOWN. Tomorrow, Sunday 22nd, we will attend chapel at Mountain Home AFB. On Monday, we will go look at houses with our realtor. On Tuesday and Thursday, we will work around the house here, painting, caulking, mowing, cat-sitting.  The cats LOVE Eric. Who knew? On Wednesday, we will get to do ministry stuff on base.

Ben is on the road to California. Pray for him, please, as he heads to Camp Pendleton. He had three weeks at home and they were full ones.

We just experienced the aftermath of the Colorado Century 16 massacre, about 5 minutes from our home. Several of my client companies (as a chaplain) had folks involved. I was on the phone assigning chaplains to handle the crises as we drove out of town.

On the way out of Colorado, the ENTIRE FRONT WHEEL came off of our car. Eric steered us off the highway, the wheel and tire rolling down the freeway caused no accidents, and we were towed back to Aurora with the angels following on behind. Car back at the mechanic, we drove off in the other car, and arrived in Pocatello last night at midnight. Then on to Mountain Home this morning. Ed and Suzie have our Blazer and are in Oregon along with their lovely daughter and two precious grandbabies. We are HERE. HOME. (soon)

Please pray. God is lovingly, kindly, compassionately in control. We trust Him. With our home sale, with our home purchase, with our "stuff", physical and emotional.

Pray for the grieving and the sore hearted during this aftermath of killing in Aurora. How do we go about processing this kind of evil?  Leaning HARD ON OUR LORD!

We love you.  Janet and Eric

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pray! An interested family is coming to see our home for the second time this week. Pray this happens, pray for a sale! Thank you!

Monday, July 9, 2012

New Prayer Card Coming Soon!

Expect one of these in the mail soon. If you're not on our mailing list, please feel free to email and ask to be added so we can share one with you!

In Him and for His glory,

Eric and Janet

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


“You are never too old to have an adventure with God.” And so we are off to a new adventure in life, following God’s directions. We believe God is moving us to Mountain Home, Idaho and we are so excited.

Eric and I have been in military ministry with OCSC/Cadence for 29 years. Panama, Korea, Germany, Englewood, CO. Now we are being led to team ministry at Mountain Home AFB, working alongside our friends, Ed and Suzie Buri.

At the beginning of each year, I think I have a relatively clear picture of what the year ahead might hold. This year ~ nothing but surprises and waiting to look around the next bend. Certainly not the organized and structured year I had envisioned!

Our home is on the market. Pray for a quick sale. (Eric was such an amazing genius getting the house ready to sell!) Once we have the sale, we go to Mt. Home, Lord willing, to find a house there.

We are going to Idaho the third week of July to take care of the En Gedi Hospitality House while Ed and Suzie take a trip over to Oregon. We were there in May and it will be good to visit again.

Pray with us as we take each NEXT step. The next step seems clear. The one after that, not so much. We are going to be taking some compatibility tests to ensure this is a good team fit. We are waiting on mission leadership to make the final decisions and we are trusting the Lord to lead through them. All four of us are praying for this move and all four of us are excited.

So we are adventuring in faith with our great God. Come along as we lead THE WAY HOME.

Buris and us

In Him and for His glory, Janet and Eric